Prepare for Your Event.
Prepare for your group event 𓋼𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝑀𝓊𝓈𝒽𝓇𝑜𝑜𝓂 𝑀𝓎𝓈𝓉𝒾𝒸 𝒞𝒾𝓇𝒸𝓁𝑒𓋼, first, by preparing a sacred space for yourself where you can enjoy utmost privacy with the least possibility of distractions. Create a comforting, nurturing environment in any way that feels good to you. You can place pillows and blankets around you, light candles and/or smudge your space with sage, etc. Place anything that you may need during our transmission directly in front of you, ie: tissues, water, tea, phone charger. The most comfortable way to listen in and engage will be to have a hands-free device such as headphones or bluetooth so that you can get as comfortable as possible without worrying about sound quality. You will be invited to engage in the chat room, so, perhap choose a device where this feels the most intuitive.
We invite you to microdose one hour before ceremony (no more than .3g if it’s your first time with the medicine and no more than 1g if you are experienced) during your session. Microdosing will help you to connect more deeply with the medicine and will open your heart and mind just enough “extra” that you can more easily shift into your new paradigm. Any more than a microdose and you will not be able to tune in to the collective messages and your community as effectively and may potentially cause you to miss out on the potent nature of the circle experience.
Microdosing, however, is not required. You will otherwise naturally “attune” to the frequency of the medicine channeled through 𝒮𝒽𝒶𝓂𝒶𝓃 𝑅𝒶𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓁.
IMPORTANT Please do not connect with any other medicine during our ceremony. We have had members experimenting with other edibles that reported a negative experience - as they were not on the same frequency as the circle and were being led in a direction that split their energy. Thank you for respecting our circle in this way.
Log on to your ZOOM session 5 minutes before our session begins. We invite you to be prepared to be on-camera at some point during our transmission (it doesn’t need to be at the beginning). The medicine has historically asked us to witness the humanity in each other (and allow ourselves to be seen in our vulnerability) as we connect in community for our planet’s collective ascension. Otherwise, tuning into what feels right for you is advised.
The medicine has made it clear that we are not to have one leader,
but rather a 𝕔𝕚𝕣𝕔𝕝𝕖 of leadership (including you) that CO-FACILITATES ceremony.
Upon arrival, you will be shown a series of short videos and slides that will help guide everyone in co-facilitation. It is very powerful when EVERYONE is focused on holding space and setting profound intentions for the medicine.
You will be encouraged to express where you are coming from in the world - and will be asked what your one-word “superpower” is (that you are contributing to our collective) - in the chat. Examples are: Love, Compassion, Empathy, Connection, Open-Mind, etc. You will then collectively guide each other through a short grounding and connecting meditation, after which you will be invited to join each other in reciting our “The Mushroom Mystic Circle Manifesto,” say a "Prayer to the Creator” (collectively inviting The Spirits of Mystic Mushroom to come through) - and within minutes you will hear from the medince.
At that time our channel, Shaman Rachel, will be shown on camera. She will be in a partial-flood state with the medicine. As a group, we will collectively hold space and completely surrender to the guidance of the medicine - understanding that every movement, word and nuance is “leading us” in the direction of something sacred and often profound. We invite you to keep in mind that (much like any mushroom journey) the space can move through moments of intensity, passion, unraveling and demonstration. These moments can feel confronting and can trigger uncomfortable memories, sensations, feelings, thoughts and sometimes traumas trapped in the body. Please keep in mind that anything brought to the surface is for you and it is highly likely that it is in the process of being “alchemized” back into pure potentiality. We invite you to BREATHE through these sacred moments, embracing yourself and alchemizing the energy by repeating the mystic phrase, “I AM THAT I AM.”
Shaman Rachel is highly activated with Kundalini. During your session, you may witness her body and head shaking (sometimes abrasively), her neck lengthening and the “appearance” that she is “stuck” in that position, as well as various (sometimes shocking) verbal and non-verbal “bursts.” These are completely normal in this arena of work. Many of you have attended somatic breathwork sessions or Kundalini Activation Process therapy where you have experienced the same. Shaman Rachel is an open channel. She is often releasing the condensed energy of the group through wailing, moaning, the sound of purging, squeals, shrieks, toning, crying, laughter or even shouting with glee!
The session will be dynamic. The medicine will move the group through highs and lows, expertly showing us a mirror of ourselves (with a choice to fully embrace or fully transform that which we see reflected there). The medicine will also attune us collectively to the new human and the new earth.
It will introduce you to a new way of BEING: A new way of existing and experiencing life. Come with an open mind about who and what the medicine REALLY is (and who and what you really are) and you will receive the information that your soul is calling forth. Again, there may be some things that don't feel like they resonate. Try your best not to judge yourself for feeling any inner-conflict. The information is raw and it may feel uncomfortable if you haven't yet confronted those particular feelings and desires being brought to your attention.
Just remember that anything that causes an emotional reaction (either "good" or "not good" feeling) is because there are parts (of your subconscious mind) that BELIEVE that what is being said - is true. Our 𝑀𝓎𝒸𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓊𝓂 𝐹𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹𝓈 are here to help you uncover those subconscious beliefs that are not in alignment with what you're really wanting!
For your session, you are invited to prepare the deepest questions that you have on your heart - but the medicine has asked that questions be posed “with positive frequencies that honor your innate power.” The medicine has also asked that any questions be posed for “the collective; and not for the individual.” For example: If the question on your heart is “How can I heal my body?” Perhaps instead, ask the question, “How can we effectively embody our innate ability to physically heal?” The change may seem subtle. But, in the group setting it is profound.
If the medicine does not open the space for questions, expect that your questions will heard telepathically and responded to as the medicine addresses the group.
The medicine also regularly calls on individuals to share their own channeled message. This is the medicine’s way of shifting the energy of the group. If you were told, “We are going to call on one of you to share your wisdom,” wouldn’t you switch your problem-oriented mind into generating wisdom from the medicine within you? Imagine if the entire circle did this at the same time? It is VERY powerful to experience.
Another possible way our Mycelium Friends will engage with you is they will call out your name and make you “laugh” with their own unique verbal and physical humor. They might also recognize when members are in need of deep community, connection and support - and they will facilitate a group healing. Prepare to be guided by the medicine in any number of ways. When we all say “yes” together, we are opening ourselves up to a new way of being (both with ourselves AND each other).
The nature of this medicine is that there WILL be a moment when you feel confronted. You may feel the sensation of “wanting to jump out of your skin.” Or your mind may attempt to distract you with, “you really need to get dinner started right now,” or “watching Youtube videos will feel better right now,” or even, “this is bullshit - I don’t have to be here right now.”
And all of the above may be true!
We invite you to keep in mind, however, that when we open this sacred container together, we create a powerful intention that EVERYTHING is for us that arises. If something is coming up for you, it is HIGHLY probable that that very same feeling is arising for the group. When we intentionally move through these heavy moments TOGETHER - it is extremely powerful.
We invite you to speak to the difficulty of what you’re moving through in the chat room. This will help everyone not feel alone in what they too are moving through.
On the contrary if you find yourself unwilling to “lean into” what you’re feeling - it is actually best for the group that you exit the circle. Otherwise the entire group will be left with the energy of your resistance. If this should be the case, we invite you to leave a kind message in the chat before exiting (should that feel available for you).
Our Integration, sharing and healing circle is facilitated directly after the transmission, facilitated by Shaman Rachel (in a non-trance state). She will lead an engaging opportunity for you to share authentically, connect and integrate the important and powerful messages that came through in the transmission. It is a circle of energetic attunement (as she will still be deeply connected to the medicine). We find that the more immediate these conversations are the more easily and gracefully integration can be. There may be a feeling of “I just need to process of this on my own.” And that is completely normal. However, when we transition immediately into the mind from a heart-centered space, it can spark rumination and dissonance between old paradigm beliefs and the new paradigm beliefs that you have been invited to adopt. And we certainly want to be there to support you through the process of a more smooth integration - as well as an opportunity to get to know your community.
We will take a 5-minute break at the close of our ceremony. You are invited to stay logged on during this time and practice self-care (ie: get some tea, stretch, journal, etc) as we prepare to circle-up for our integration.
If you “opted in” for this add-on when you registered you are good to go. If you’d like to attend but haven’t opted in - please let either our Energetic Support person, or our Tech Support person know via direct message in our chat room. OR, you can pre-sign up for one of our monthly membership options and it we will know to expect you.
Each 𓋼𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝑀𝓊𝓈𝒽𝓇𝑜𝑜𝓂 𝑀𝓎𝓈𝓉𝒾𝒸 𝒞𝒾𝓇𝒸𝓁𝑒𓋼 is recorded from top to bottom so there is no need to process anything on the spot or worry about integration. You’ll be given the opportunity to purchase the audio or transcript via the follow-up email for $11.11 each. Or, you may feel called to continue connecting with us by becoming an active member of our circle by exploring one of our membership options (some of which include audio replays as well as Integration and Healing Circles starting at just $22/mo).
If have any questions about the nature of our event, please email Rachel directly here (up to 9am PT/12pm ET the day of your channeling). If you have timely questions that arise after that cutoff window (namely about logging in/accessing our session) please email our support staff up until 12:30pm PT/3:30pm ET the day of our session @ mushroommystictech@gmail.com.
We are eagerly awaiting to connect with you in this way.
Disclaimer #1: We say this with LOVE: You are responsible for how your session flows. The definition of channeling is “releasing control.” Shaman Rachel is literally stepping outside of herself to allow space for the Divine messages to transmit. In her coaching practice she makes SURE her clients are satisfied. Channeling is different - because she’s not the one driving. If you desire to come with expectations - then come with the FAITH that they’ll be met. Make sure you host the beliefs that, “I am someone who gets what I want,” “I am someone who is easily satisfied,” and “I am someone who is heard, seen, felt and known.” This will assure that your session is a success to you (the most important person)!
Disclaimer #2: When Shaman Rachel transmits a message, it is to be translated and acted upon as you see fit; the responsibility is your own. You are ultimately the one who decides your own fate.