Frequently Asked Questions
Who are the Angels?
The angels that I channel are a collective of 1,000+ angels speaking as one voice. They say that they are everyone's angels. And although a few have been named by humans (less than 20 total) - their actual names are simply vibrational melodies that enable them to call on and distinguish each other. I'm am told that they haven't any need for speaking through words themselves. That is why we can simply feel a feeling or ask a vibrational question and it will be felt and heard.
When I channel them - I am translating their vibration into words.
It was mind-boggling to me, when we first consciously dialogued, that these beautiful beings (only 1,000+) could be omniscient of all of our desires, hurts, pains and intricacies at the same time. Ie: "How can only 1,000+ angels know the thoughts and feelings of 7.6 billion humans?" How can my angels also be the angels of everyone else? I had grown up thinking that we each had our own assigned angel to be our "guardian." But, then I thought "If God/The Universe itself can be present with all of our individual thoughts and emotions - then why can't the angels?"
Why would I want to speak with them?
The angels are the most empathic beings of which I am personally aware. They can pinpoint emotions and desires that have long been buried and bring them back into consciousness. When these previously denied thoughts, feelings and desires are given attention and validated - the soul feels heard, freed and relieved.
They are also telepathic (as am I) and can answer the deeper inquiries that the conscious mind may be terrified of asking. They are not only healers and comforters - they are also teachers, cheerleaders and empowering agents that have a way of making you feel the most heard, felt, supported and validated than perhaps anyone has made you feel.
They understand the ins and outs of being human as most have been earth-angels themselves and/or are currently incarnated on earth. They can feel the full-spectrum of human emotion (unlike most other beings) and are always wanting us to do exactly that which we are wanting to do. And of course, they will bring these (our most innate) desires into light and empower our choosing of them every time.
Angels can also give us deep insights on how others are feeling in our lives (whether they have transitioned or are still incarnate). This can help us gain a deeper understanding of where the "aloof" loved ones in our lives are really at emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
If you are wanting to feel utterly connected with the truth of what you're feeling, wanting and creating - or if you're simply desiring to feel completely wrapped in tangible unconditional love - the angels are always here to dialogue.
Are you able to channel human spirits that are still living on the earth?
Yes. I had no idea that was possible either before it happened to me in my own session. The idea is that you'll be talking to your loved one's Higher Self or Spirit Body. The personality is much the same, except the true nature of the what they are feeling comes through. If they are normally insecure about expressing how much they love you in "real life" they may, in the session, divulge in full how much they care about you and give you clues to your soul contracts with each other (the reason why things "had" to happen the way they did). On the other hand, if there is unspoken resentment or anger - they may also divulge this. This is an incredible way to get the "real deal" about why someone is acting, speaking or being a certain way that doesn't feel authentic to you - and it can be extremely comforting to know the truth. The truth always helps us move forward and heal.
This practice is especially beautiful for those who are estranged from loved-ones, who have a loved-one suffering from a diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer’s, or whose loved-one is mute or for some reason unable to speak their heart.
Are you in trance when you channel?
I am considered categorically to be a "trance medium" and am in a trance-like state; However, I am also fully present as the "observer." The angels are rapid firing their messages to me telepathically and the meditative area in my brain is working OVERTIME (not with creative thought - but in order to translate) and then sending the messages to my vocal chords, my mouth and my face in real time. My mind is translating their vibration actually FASTER than I can think and process thought. The angels, then, are limited only by my vocabulary and my ability to accurately translate what I'm feeling/seeing/hearing energetically. For instance, let's say I a refer to client's "child" when in reality it's someone that the client "considers" their child. Feel free to correct my train of intuition at any time and it will make it that much more easy to get to the good stuff.
I use clairaudience and clairalience to connect with the Angels and other Loving Spirits. Each Being's syntax and energetic imprint is different. Two beings can "say" the exact same thing - but, I'll sense the shift and ask the Angels to help identify with whom we are speaking.
Although I am in a trance-like state, I am in total control of my body and mind. Yes, I allow for my vocal chords and my mouth to be guided in order to channel the message. But, I am not, in any way, being controlled. This type of channeling allows me to ask questions aloud with my own voice intermittently (although I usually ask telepathically). One can think of it like touching one negative and one positive charged cable together: there is a reaction.
It is not enough for Loving Beings to desire to connect - I also have to have equal desire to connect and we mutually choose to create that spark. Should either I or the Loving Being pull away energetically (even for a microsecond) the spark is lost and we are no longer on the same "channel." I am in a Theta State of meditation more often than not, but I am fully aware of what is being channeled in the moment.
Are you able to channel alien beings?
That's a complex question. So far, the Loving Beings with whom I have dialogued (that did not identify as Angelic, human Gods or the Creator itself) are existing in a way that can be difficult or rather impossible to completely understand as a human. When asked "What/who are you?" The most frequent and consistent answer is "We are who we are." Most often, in these cases, it has been a collective group of Higher Consciousness Loving Beings speaking through one voice (as do the Angels). So far, very few of these Loving Beings have had a "name" (although they've been open to me naming them to fulfill my innate human desire to categorize). That being said, it has not been identified whether these Loving Beings have physical bodies on another plane/world or not. It is my notion, however, that like humans they are able to project a physical holographic version of themselves should they choose to step into the physical plane.
Are you able to channel my deceased loved-one?
Yes. This is actually how I started to realize that I had chosen the gift of clairaudience. I had been "speaking" with my grandmother for about 7 years since she transitioned - as if she was in the same room as I was. I would communicate telepathically when I was in a room with others, but, would respond to her out loud if I were in a room by myself. It's funny, because it felt normal to me. I also would catch myself speaking aloud to Loving Spirits that had very recently transitioned - as if they were in the room speaking with me. It feels so natural that there are times I get caught off guard and answer them out loud whether there are other people in the room or not!
Will the voice of my loved one sound like their voice in real life?
No, it will not "sound" like their voice. Their energy is definitely coming through my vocal chords - but, they will also not sound or feel like me (as counter-intuitive as that sounds). The syntax of their communication, the personality and the energy of the communication will feel like your loved one. But, the "special" words they usually use may not be immediately vibrationally recognizable by my mind.
It does take me 10-15 minutes to warm up to the soul before we both have "learned each other's language." Meanwhile all of the information that comes through will still be accurate.
Is the recording of the session kept private?
The Angel Dialogues (until March, 22 2021) are public sessions and will be uploaded online as they are (including names). Beginning in April 2021 TAD mediumship session recordings are only for the use of those who participated or paid for the session.
For private 1:1 mediumship sessions: Each of your sessions are recorded via ZOOM. Your recording is sent within 24 hours to your inbox and deleted after you’ve notified me of its download. Your privacy is of utmost importance to me. I will absolutely keep all information exchanged during our sessions concerning your private matters between myself, the Angels and any other Loving Beings that you should call in.