My Angel Story
I called in my mediumship in April of 2017. I had been silently sensing and communicating with beings from the spirit world since I was a small child (not really knowing that that wasn't something that everyone did). And it was only in recent years, that I had become interested in becoming the vessel through which guides and angels communicated with other humans.
With every medium or channel, there is a time when fear of "losing control" or encountering "harmful beings" inhibits their ability to open their channel. This was also true for me - and it was with the help of plant-medicine that I was able to finally neutralize my fear and connect with "the other side" which turned out to be so much more loving and safe than I imagined.
At first, I was fascinated (obsessed) and was channeling for hours each day in my excitement to learn universal spiritual truths. Every being is connected to these truths - but more often than not they are being filtered through fear and ultimately misread.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye. shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
Matthew 7:7-8
Soon after I started channeling, I received solid guidance from a powerful healer and dear friend of mine from New Zealand to always check back in with my own guidance system when receiving any information (even from the spirit world). It was soon after that that I learned that ALL beings are coming FIRST from love. The loving beings that had come through me were extremely loving, fun, hilarious, wise and mischievous! And, after about a week, I had the sensation that even though they were there to help me heal and become happy they also were there for entertainment purposes (with no bad intention at all). You see, it is thoroughly understood in the spirit world that we simply cannot be harmed!
There is a belief that this space and time we call "humanity" is a holograph of our own perception - that everyone really IS living in their own virtual reality. If this were true, how CAN we be harmed? How else can someone walk across hot coals or set themselves on fire without feeling pain? Aren't we all living in the same reality? Or are we. This truth feels very real to me in my Theta Healing practice. When Theta Practitioners connect with "the Creator of All that Is" and command a healing of a belief system or a past trauma, etc. - the healing is so powerful that even if one tries to connect with the trauma and drama of the situation - they are unable. How can "pain" and our connection to pain disappear that quickly if it were truly there in the first place? If we were truly able to be harmed that deeply/permanently?
That being said, the little rascals that originally came through me were like most beings (outside of The Creator, The Angels and humans living as God): they were "perma-happy." What this means is that they lack the emotional spectrum (that we are so enjoying experiencing as humans)! They are unendingly fascinated by our emotion and how quickly we can move from one feeling to the next: how the input of even one word or the site of one thing can flip the switch in us from happy to sad. And in this way - some beings LOVE to play with us and observe our emotional roller coaster in the spirit of fun!
Even though I inevitably understood this truth I longed to feel understood and FELT by the spirit world. I also wanted to call in the most high beings that would be open to spending more time nurturing, empowering and healing than playing. I ended up calling in beings just like this out of pure frustration one day as I was feeling lost in relationship drama. I laid down and connected with "The Creator of All that Is" (as I do always in Theta Healing) and commanded that I be put in contact with beings that were of the Creator's vibration and that had my and all being's highest and best good in mind. Within a few moments I felt the energy begin to buzz in my Throat and they spoke for the first time through me (the Angels) and said,
"We are here. We are your angels."