Prepare for Your Session.
Get Ready…
Prepare for your group or private session, first, by preparing a sacred space for yourself where you can enjoy utmost privacy with the least possibility of distractions. Create a comforting, nurturing environment in any way that feels good to you. You can place pillows and blankets around you, light candles and/or smudge your space with sage, etc. Have anything that you may need directly in front of you, ie: tissues, water, tea, phone charger. The most comfortable way to listen in and engage will be to have a hands-free device such as headphones or bluetooth so that you can get as comfortable as possible without worrying about sound quality.
When the angels come through the first thing they usually say is either “why are you wanting to be with us?” or “what are you wanting?” It's NOT a “fee-fie-foe-fum – who's knocking at my door!?” moment. What they are literally meaning is “what is on your heart?” Keep in mind that they ALREADY know the answer. They are just wanting you to come to your own conclusions. If they ask you twice – it doesn't mean they didn't hear you. It only means that your answer wasn't the "core" of how you feel. Dig deeper. Ask yourself again and find a DIFFERENT answer that feels more like truth to you.
The angels will introduce you to a new way of BEING. A new way of existing and experiencing life. Come with an open mind about who and what the angels REALLY are and you will receive the information that your soul is calling in. There may be some things that don't feel like they resonate. Try your best not to judge yourself for feeling any inner-conflict. The information is raw and it may feel uncomfortable if you haven't yet confronted those particular feelings and desires being brought to your attention.
Just remember that anything that causes an emotional reaction (either "good" or "not good" feeling) is because there are parts (of your subconscious mind) that BELIEVE that what is being said - is true. The angels are here to help you uncover those subconscious beliefs that are not in alignment with what you're really wanting!
Also keep in mind, that although I am considered categorically a "trance medium" and am in a trance-like state - I am also fully present. The angels are rapid firing their messages to me telepathically and the meditative area in my brain is working OVERTIME (not with creative thought - but in order to translate) and then sending the messages to my vocal chords, my mouth and my face in real time. My mind is translating their vibration actually FASTER than I can think and process thought. The angels, then, are limited only by my vocabulary and my ability to accurately translate what I'm feeling/seeing/hearing energetically.
For instance, let's say I refer to a client's "child" when in reality it's someone that the client "considers" their child. Or let’s say I refer to a client’s “brother” when in reality the client has a sister with dominant masculine qualities. Feel free to correct my train of intuition at any time and it will make it that much more easy to get to the good stuff.
For your session, prepare your deepest questions that you have on your heart. Or simply come and allow the session to unfold naturally. There is no "wrong" way to go about it. If you are called on by the angels in the group session - ask the question that is "burning" at the surface of your heart in THAT moment (no matter what you had "thought" you had wanted to ask). The angels will make sure that you feel resolve in the answer given. Then save the rest of your questions to be answered indirectly by the answers to the other participant's questions (see "how it works" ↑above↑). Remember - YOU are also a medium! The question most burning on your heart may be the same question that tens of others also have!
Each online group or private session is recorded from top to bottom so there is no need to process anything on the spot or worry about integration. If you have any other questions feel free to text or email Rachel no later than 2 hours prior to your session. Stay open and you will receive the information you are calling in - every time.
Disclaimer #1: I say this with LOVE: You are responsible for how your session flows. The definition of mediumship is “releasing control.” I am literally stepping outside of myself to allow space for the Divine messages to transmit. In my coaching practice I make SURE my clients are satisfied. Mediumship is different - because I’m not the one driving. If you come with expectations - then come with FAITH that they’ll be met. Make sure you host the beliefs that, “I am someone who gets what I want,” “I am someone who is easily satisfied,” and “I am someone who is heard, seen, felt and known.” This will assure that your session is a success to you (the most important person)!