“My moment with you and the Angels last night was one of the most extraordinary moments of my life. Everything I heard and felt was me like connecting with myself. I felt affirmed. It was a moment of incredible joy. I am grateful to you Rachel.”
~ Oscar C. [Arizona]
“I asked a very vague question about my current situation and the angels instantly knew what I was talking about, mentioned thoughts I had just been thinking and gave me a sense of clarity and new intentions for myself. Not only that, questions that had been in my heart but that I had not written down were somehow answered through the other's questions.”
~ Kate [Bainbridge Island, WA]
“I relished my time with the angels, who showered me with attention and affection. They said things that seemed strange to my customary way of thinking but also rang true somewhere deep in my spirit. I'm ready to think differently. I want to be with them always.”
~ Melinda W. [Poulsbo, WA]
This Month’s Transmissions
Dialogue directly with the Angels via Master Channel, Rachel Lynn Sebastian, on this group interactive ZOOM webinar (with our host on video and participants - audio-only with complete privacy).
Each 1 hour 55 min event begins with a 15-min channeling on the subscriber-chosen topic, followed by an opportunity for you to be chosen by the angels to ask the questions that have been on your heart.
Webinars are held 2nd & 4th Sundays @ 9am PT/ 12pm ET/ 5pm UK/ 10:30pm India. They are recorded and replays are available for purchase. See FAQs and How to Prepare to make your session the best possible for you!
You will be emailed the ZOOM invitation immediately upon reserving your ticket. Check out our diverse subscription offerings for priority questioning + other benefits.
With your first-time complimentary ticket:
☆ Pick ANY Sunday to attend
☆ Opportunity to receive individual reading
☆ Full Audio REPLAY & Transcript available for $22.22 with Complimentary ticket [Or included with subscription]
1) Click here
2) Click “Redeem Coupon”
3) Enter FIRSTTIMEANGEL [Coupon Code]
4) Set your “time zone”
5) Click on the SUNDAY you’d like to attend
6) Fill out your information
7) Receive login & prep info in an automated email !
FREE first-time tickets are forfeited if participant does not attend their date scheduled; They cannot be rescheduled.
AUDIO REPLAYS + Transcriptions are available for $22.22 with FREE ticket (or included with Subscription).
Click HERE to learn about Trance-Mediumship
See My Angel Story to learn about Rachel’s connection to the Angelic Realm.
Click HERE to learn how to prepare for (and get the most out of) your session.

“I’ve been a part of The Angel Dialogues subscription for about 8 months now. Best self-care investment I’ve made. Having Rachel and the collective (Angels) tune me up weekly is equivalent to therapy - only I prefer this alternative way more. They touch on topics you had no idea needed to be addressed, and little by little you feel the shifts it’s almost as if they just feather off into the wind. Rachel, also offers other workshops, love that! She is a soul sister you definitely want to have by your side. Thank you Rachel for your unconditional support!”
~ Maria Rodriguez [Los Angeles]
How it Works.
I attended an Abraham Hicks workshop in Seattle.
In the beginning of the workshop Esther Hicks declared that whether we [the attendees] got in the "hot seat" or not - our questions would be answered (ALL of them). I use telepathy and empathy in my own healing work, so I understand how our thoughts and questions can be received by the Spirit World. But, the idea that ALL of EVERYONE's questions (in a room full of say, 400 people) would be answered within the span of 4 hours truly peaked my curiosity.
In the spirit of "playing the game," I went ahead and wrote down everything I wanted to know on a sheet of card stock and held it in my lap - even adding more questions as the workshop progressed.
By the end of the workshop, not only had ALL of my questions been answered, that I had written on that sheet, but what had also been answered were the questions I had not written down (that were on my heart).
It's practically impossible for our human minds to conceive just how omnipresent and powerful the Creator, the Angels and all of us truly are once we plug into that channel. But, once we see the proof, there is no denying it.
This is how I felt the very first time I facilitated a group healing/channeling session. I admittedly had my doubts going in and was anxious as to how the attendees would receive the healing and whether there would be a palpable shift in their Beingness. But, after the ceremony, one by one the attendees approached me and shared that they felt like we were in their own Soul and some even felt as if we were reading their mind. But, how can this individualized feeling exist in a group healing?
The answer lays in the fundamental dynamic of healing work itself (and all human experience for that matter): the law of cause and effect. I share with my clients all the time (in complete belief) that it is they that are directing their own healing.
The subconscious mind and emotional body are "calling" out what is most longing to be healed.
The Creator receives the calling.
I channel the Creator in "response" to the calling.
The same applies for the channeling/healing work that I do on my myself! My belief is that we are all calling in our experiences of life. This belief keeps me empowered and allows me to take ownership of my life knowing that I have the resources and power to shift anything according to my own beliefs.
The only things we cannot shift are those that we subconsciously (or consciously) want to stay the same! YOU are the one conducting and directing your healing - and it is my JOY to respond (and the Creator's/The Angels) to your call.

“The whole dynamic was perfect for me. It brought me to tears. I could actually feel them loving me. I didn’t want them to leave. Things that I have been feeling personally were brought to the light and I am so grateful.”
— Marina B. [Inglewood, CA]
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$22/mo (12-Month Investment)
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☆ Up to 50% Monthly Savings on The Angel Dialogues [save $44/mo]
☆ Priority Questioning for Individual Readings
☆ Audio Replay Downloads @ $11.11 SAVINGS per session!
☆ Written Transcription Downloads @ $11.11 SAVINGS per session!
☆ Two LIVE Integration Coaching Session per month (on our off weeks)
☆ 10% OFF Private Mediumship sessions
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☆ FREE entry to any one-day online workshops we host
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$33/mo (12-Month Investment)
☆ Attend Any or All Sundays [3, 6 or 12-Month Commitment*]
☆ Monthly Savings on The Angel Dialogues
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